마감[GenDEPOT] Best Item 연말 EVENT [24.10.14~24.12.27]

🚩 행사 제품 리스트

1. Cell Culture

CategoryProductCat No.Size
FBSFBS, Opti-GoldF0900-050500 ml
AntibioticsAntibiotic-Antimycotic (100X)CA002-010100 ml
Penicillin-Streptomycin (100X)CA005-010100 ml
BufferDulbecco's Phosphate-Buffered Saline(DPBS), 1XCA008-050500 ml
Dulbecco's Phosphate-Buffered Saline(DPBS), 10XCA118-050500 ml
HEPES Buffer Solution (1 M)CA011-010100 ml
Trypsin-EDTATrypsin-EDTA(1X), 0.25%CA014-010100 ml
CA014-050500 ml
Trypsin-EDTA(10X), 0.5%CA015-010100 ml
BSABovine Serum Albumin, Low Endotoxin, Cell Culture TestedCA068-010100 g
MediumDMEM, High Glucose with L-GlutamineCM001-050500 ml
DMEM, High Glucose with L-Glutamine, Sodium PyruvateCM002-050500 ml
MEM With Earle's Salts with L-GlutamineCM041-050500 ml
RPMI-1640 Media with L-glutamin, 25mM HepesCM058-050500 ml
RPMI-1640 Media with L-glutamineCM059-050500 ml
Cell StorageDimethyl Sulfoxide, Cell culture tested, >99.7% , 0.2um filteredD2680-010100 ml
Cell Freezing Media ICA301-00550 ml
Ceracryo Xeno-Free Cell Freezing MediaC0667-00550 ml
Cell Proliferation
WST Plus-8, Cell Proliferation Assay ReagentW0200-0101,000 assays
W0200-0252,500 assays
예방 및 치료
Cellmaxin, 10 mg/mlC3314-0066x1 ml
C3314-02020 ml
Cellmaxin Plus, 10.5 mg/mlC3319-0066x1 ml
C3319-02020 ml
MYCORAZOR SprayC9000-030300 ml
Transfection ReagentiMFectin DNA Transfection Reagent I7100-1011 ml
I7100-1055x1 ml
iMFectin Poly DNA Transfection Reagent I7200-1011 ml
I7200-1055x1 ml
WaterWater, 0.1um Filtered, cell cultures testedW0900-050500 ml

2. Western Blot

CategoryProductCat No.Size
RIPA BufferRIPA Cell Lysis Buffer (1X) with EDTAR4100-010100 ml
RIPA II Cell Lysis Buffer (1X), without EDTAR4200-010100 ml
Protease Inhibitor
Xpert Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Solution (100X)P3100-0011 ml
P3100-0055x1 ml
P3100-01010x1 ml
P3100-02020 ml
Phosphatase Inhibitor
Xpert Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail Solution (100X)P3200-0011 ml
P3200-0055x1 ml
P3200-01010x1 ml
Protease & Phosphatase
Inhibitor Cocktail
Xpert Duo Inhibitor Cocktail Solution(100X)P3300-0011ml
Protein QuantificationBradford (Coomassie) Protein Assay Plus KitP7200-050Kit
Bicinchoninic(BCA) Acid  Protein Assay Kit P8100-050Kit
Albumin Standard, 2mg/mlA1100-0055x1 ml
Sample BufferLaemmli Sample Buffer (4X), ReducingL1100-00110 ml
Laemmli Sample Buffer (4X), Non-ReducingL1200-00110 ml
Native Sample Buffer (4X)N2300-00220 ml
Protein MarkerProsi Prestained Protein Marker (6-170 kDa)P8500-0402x200 μl
Xpert Prestained Protein Marker (6-240 kDa)P8502-0502x250 μl
Xpert 2 Prestained Protein Marker (11-245 kDa)P8503-0502x250 μl
Acrylamide : bis 30%, 29:1 Solution A0418-050495 ml
Acrylamide : bis 30%, 37.5:1  SolutionA0419-050495 ml
10X Tris-Glycine SDS buffer (Running buffer)T8053-050500 ml
T8053-1011 L
10X Tris-Glycine Native Buffer (Transfer buffer)T8052-050500 ml
T8052-1011 L
& Buffers
Ammonium Persulfate (APS) Tablets, 150 mgA7503-02020 tabs
Glycine, 99%G0610-1001 kg
G0610-5005 kg
10% SDS SolutionS0792-050500 ml
20% SDS SolutionS0793-050500 ml
TEMEDT0512-00225 ml
1.5M Tris-HCl Buffer (pH 8.8)T8101-050500 ml
0.5M Tris-HCl Buffer (pH 6.8)T8102-050500 ml
Tween 20, Molecular Biology GradeT9100-010100 ml
Tris, Ultra PureT9200-1001 kg
T9200-5005 kg
1X PBS Buffer, pH 7.4P2101-1001 L
10X PBS Buffer, pH 7.4P2100-050500 ml
P2100-1001 L
20X PBS Buffer, pH 7.2 P2200-1001 L
20X TBS Buffer, pH 7.4T8054-050500 ml
T8054-1011 L
20X TBS Buffer, pH 7.6T8055-050500 ml
TBST(10X), pH 7.4T8056-1001L
Membrane StainingPonceau S SolutionP9100-010100 ml
AlbuminAlbumin, Ultra pure Bovine Serum AlbuminA0100-010100 g
Goat anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-HRP, 1 mg/mlSA001-500500 μl
Goat anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L)-HRP, 1 mg/mlSA002-500500 μl
Rabbit anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-HRP, 1 mg/mlSA007-500500 μl
Stripping BufferWest Ez Stripping Buffer, Economic SizeS2100-050500 ml
ECL SolutionWest-Q Chemiluminescent Substrate Kit, PlusW3651-012120 ml
W3651-0242x120 ml
West-Q Pico ECL SolutionW3652-020200 ml
West-Q Pico Dura ECL SolutionW3653-020200 ml
West-Q Femto Clean ECL SolutionW3680-010100 ml
Substrate for ELISATMB Substrate Solution, StandardT3550-050100 ml
TMB Stop SolutionT4550-00555 ml
Protein Agarose for IPPuredown Protein A-Agarose, BSA BlockedP9201-0151.5 ml
P9201-0505 ml
Puredown Protein G-Agarose, BSA BlockedP9202-0151.5 ml
P9202-0505 ml
Puredown Protein A/G-Agarose, BSA BlockedP9203-0151.5 ml
P9203-0505 ml

3. DNA 전기영동

CategoryProductCat No.Size
AgaroseAgarose, SeproA0224-050500 g
Buffer50X TAE BufferT8050-050500 ml
5X TBE BufferT8051-050500 ml
Loading BufferiVDye 6X Gel Loading DyeV1004-0011 ml
DNA LadderiVDye 50bp DNA LadderV1001-025250 μl
V1001-1004x250 μl
iVDye 100bp DNA LadderV1002-025250 μl
V1002-1004x250 μl
iVDye 1Kb DNA LadderV1003-025250 μl
V1003-1004x250 μl
100bp PCR Ranger DNA Marker, 100bp-To-3KbD1108-1001 ml
Staining Solution
SafePinky DNA Gel Staining Solution (10,000X)S1001-025250 μl
S1001-0502x250 μl
S1001-1001 ml

4. DNA Work

CategoryProductCat No.Size
Plasmid PreparationPURY Plasmid Mini KitP1004-05050 Preps
P1004-200200 Preps
(Real-time PCR)
amfiSure qGreen Q-PCR Master Mix (2X), No ROXQ5600-0055x1 ml
amfiSure qGreen Q-PCR Master Mix (2X), FluoresceinQ5601-0055x1 ml
amfiSure qGreen Q-PCR Master Mix (2X), High ROXQ5602-0055x1 ml
amfiSure qGreen Q-PCR Master Mix (2X), Low ROXQ5603-0055x1 ml
FastGreen Q-PCR Master Mix (2X), No ROXQ7000-0055x1 ml
FastGreen Q-PCR Master Mix (2X), FluoresceinQ7001-0055x1 ml
FastGreen Q-PCR Master Mix (2X), High ROXQ7002-0055x1 ml
FastGreen Q-PCR Master Mix (2X), Low ROXQ7003-0055x1 ml
End-Point PCRamfiEco Taq DNA Polymerase, 1 unit/ulP0701-050500 units
amfiEco PCR PremixP0702-09696 rxns
amfiSure PCR Master MixP0311-05010x50 rxns
amfiSure ONE PCR Master Mix( 2X)P7000-0055x1 ml
amfiXpand PCR Master Mix (2X)P0331-05010x50 rxns
BufferTE Buffer , pH 8.0,  0.2 µm filtered T8100-010100 ml
T8100-050500 ml
PCR waterWater, DEPC Treated for RNA ApplicationW0805-010100 ml
Water, PCR CertifiedW0806-010100 ml
dNTP MixturedNTP Mixtures ,10mM each, >99% by HPLCD0610-050500 μl
PrimersOligo(dT)18O1024-05050 μg
Random Hexamer R3001-01010 ug

5. RNA 실험

CategoryProductCat No.Size
RNA PreparationPURY RNA PlusP2030-05050 Preps
PURY Viral RNA MiniP2020-05050 Preps
P2020-1002x50 Preps
cDNA SynthesisamfiRivert cDNA Synthesis Platinum Master MixR5600-1002x50 rxns
R5600-2004x50 rxns
R5600-50010x50 rxns
RNA StorageRNA Guardian Solution R2030-010100 ml
R2030-050500 ml
RNA Storage Soltuion R7100-100100 ml
R7100-500500 ml
Decontamination SprayDNazor, Spray bottleD8000-025250 ml
DNazor, Refill bottleD8000-050500 ml
RNazor, Spray bottleR7000-025250 ml
RNazor, Refill bottleR7000-050500 ml
NUCLEAZOR SprayN5000-025250 ml

6. 기타

CategoryProductCat No.Size
X-Gal / IPTGIPTG, Isopropyl-β-D-ThiogalactopyranosideI0355-0055 g
X-Gal / IPTG SolutionX0322-01010x1 ml
LB MediumLB Broth, MillerL2109-050500 g
LB Agar, MillerL2202-050500 g

Best ITEM 구매 시 ☕ 스타벅스 기트프카드를 드립니다. (60만원 구매 시 2만원, 100만원 구매 시 4만원)

* 진행 중인 다른 행사와 중복 적용이 불가합니다.

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